*********** V1031_RTM5 Win:V1235 Mac:V1217 *********** Change Notice 1.Add a flag for MirrorOp Sender for Galaxy. 2.Change "Moderator mode" icon in order to have it look like as a real "Lock" icon. 3.Change "Disable remote control" icon in order to have it look like as "Pointer" icon. 4.Add intelligent pointer feature in "Pointer mode". a. Long click than 1 second, the Pointer will be switched to Pen function. If releasing the finger, the Pen will be switched back to Pointer function. b. The earlier annotation record will be erased when enabling this intelligent pointer feature again. 5.Add Eraser function in Pen menu. 6.Adjust the Pen menu order. 7.Integrate the QR code into single image. 8.Remove the drawing limitation region. 9.Add drawing recovery feature. 10.Change the pen cursor to empty-pen cursor when pen move to un-editable area. 11.Add the last three letters of Mac address into SSID. 12.Fix minor issues.